Not sure if Scuba Diving is right for you?

Try Scuba is your chance to get wet and experience what scuba diving is all about. Signing up for a Try Scuba is a great way to decide whether getting a scuba diving certification is right for you. We know that once you come in and try it, you’ll love it!


Try it in one of two ways. Pick the one that you feel most comfortable doing.
SSI Try Scuba — pool experience. Spend one to two hours in a pool getting a taste of the scuba diving experience in the safety of a familiar setting.
SSI Try Scuba Diving — confined water experience. Spend three to four hours in a body of water that has good visibility and conditions and get a feel for the excitement of scuba diving. You will have an SSI Instructor as your personal escort and prior to your dive they will provide you with an overview of the proper knowledge and skills required to take your first look at the underwater world.